Passionate about that Victory Lap!

Wednesday Jan 01st, 2020


Who'd have thunk eh that at this time in my life it would be one of the most enjoyable "work" time periods I've experienced.

Thanks to my daughter, I'm enjoying a good read...Victory Lap Retirement (Mike Drak,Rob Morrison and Jonathan Chevreau) and while it is engaging in itself, startling to think wow that's me they are writing about!

I enjoyed an engaging conversation with a millenial the other day- someone who has just graduated and is finding (despite what I would think to be great credentials) it very difficult to enter their chosen field. I get that. I understand that. But wanting something and having good credentials gets you to the door. Being demonstratively passionate about what you do keeps you looking for those doors, opens doors for you and keeps the doors open. Because it's's how you feel. It's what you do. I don't think you can fake that. My Victory Lap is all about that.

Without being ultruistic, I can't describe how fufilled I become when I facilitate a real estate transition that positively changes peoples lives. And I was fortunate to be part of that so many many times this past year-relocations from all over the world helping families transition to Canada, helping Boomers retire to their dream homes (regardless of location!), helping Milllenials buy their first home, Boomers selling their last home, helping mid-lifers become first time Investors and bring to life their Plan B. When you know that you were able to make it happen for them, take the hassle away, lessen the stress and when you see those smiles, that's what its all about. It's about serving- serving those you can and want to serve.

My Victory Lap does that for me and I am so fortunate for all those who have supported me, referred to me and trusted me to deliver for them.

And my Victory Lap, thru the support of my clients and their referrals has allowed me to do one more thing very well and that something gives me an absolutely incredible feeling- feeding kids who go home to no food or go to school with no food, just hunger.

You can't fake these smiles- check out the short video



janice coombs Jan 1, 2020
So proud of you James Stanley and happy that you are at this wonderful stage in your life. Much love!

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